The Ghost Adventures crew, led by Zak Bagans, embarks on another hair-raising investigation in the “Hotel Congress” episode airing on Discovery on Wednesday June 5. The team checks into a hotel in Tucson, Arizona, renowned for its poltergeist activity and spirit possession incidents.
In this episode, Zak and his team, including Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley, and Jay Wasley, explore a Tucson hotel with a dark history of paranormal occurrences. They interview eyewitnesses and experts to gather information about the entities that haunt the location. The crew then bravely confronts these spirits during their signature dusk-to-dawn lockdown, aiming to provoke and engage with the supernatural entities.
Hotel Congress examines the eerie happenings within the hotel, adding to the season’s collection of chilling investigations. The Ghost Adventures crew continues to seek out and confront paranormal phenomena, providing audiences with a thrilling and spine-chilling viewing experience.
Ghost Adventures: Hotel Congress premieres on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at 10:00 PM on Discovery.