The Ghost Adventures crew embarks on a chilling investigation in La Crescenta, California, exploring an abandoned home with a dark and disturbing past. In this episode, titled “Mountain Oaks Mayhem,” the team looks at rumors of a curse placed by Charles Manson and the subsequent haunting that allegedly drove a family from their home.
The team, led by Zak Bagans, heads to a secluded property in La Crescenta, where they encounter a house with a troubled history. Once a vibrant family home, it now stands abandoned, with reports of paranormal activity and a sinister connection to the infamous cult leader, Charles Manson.
As the investigation gets underway, the crew uncovers fascinating details about the family who once lived there and the terrifying events that caused them to flee. They explore whether Charles Manson’s influence extended beyond his cult and if he played a role in the strange occurrences within the house.
The crew uses their expertise and specialized equipment to gather evidence and interact with the spirits that are said to linger. They aim to separate fact from fiction and determine if the house is truly haunted or if there are more earthly explanations for the strange happenings.
Ghost Adventures: Mountain Oaks Mayhem airs on Travel Channel on Saturday, August 3, 2024, at 10:00 PM.