In this spine-chilling episode of Ghost Adventures, airing on Saturday evening, Zak and his team gear up for a daunting challenge as they confront a sinister and intrusive energy that plagues a California residence. The crew readies their spiritual arsenal, determined to expel the darkness that haunts the religious family residing there.
Zak, ever the intrepid paranormal investigator, leads his team into the heart of the haunted home, where they encounter a formidable force. Sensing a demonic presence, the team summons an exorcist to assist in their quest for spiritual liberation. Together, they work to banish the malevolent entity and restore peace to the beleaguered family.
Will they succeed in their mission to vanquish the darkness and bring solace to those affected?
Ghost Adventures: Nightmare in Northridge airs on Saturday, September 28, 2024, at 9:00 PM on the Travel Channel.