The Golden Bachelorette, which premiered on ABC on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, marks a new era for the Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise. The show is now helping the older set find love, with a 61-year-old bachelorette, Joan Vassos, taking center stage.
Vassos, a private school administrator and widow, previously appeared on the first season of the Golden Bachelor but had to leave due to a family emergency. Her daughter’s postpartum depression required her support, leading her to prioritize family over the show. Now, Joan is back and ready to find love among a group of men in her age range.
Joan’s journey is not without its challenges. She knows that geography will play a significant role in her decision, as she is unwilling to move away from her family and the burial place of her late husband, John, who passed away from pancreatic cancer. Joan has processed her grief and is now looking to include someone new in her life.
In the premiere episode, Joan met a diverse group of men, each with their unique qualities. Pascal, a Frenchman with a charming accent, and Kim, a Navy man and widow like Joan, made strong first impressions. The contestants showed maturity and respect for each other, a stark contrast to their younger counterparts.
One notable entrance was David, a rancher from Texas, who arrived on a horse. Kelsey, a former Bachelor winner, also made an appearance with her father, Mark, who is looking for love after losing his wife. Both left a great impression on Joan.
The episode was filled with heartfelt moments, including a scooter race, a pickleball competition, and a romantic room filled with candles. The contestants explored the infamous Bachelor house, with some even cooking dinner for Joan. Jack, a caterer, made a special plate for her, showcasing his commitment through his love language of cooking.
Joan had the difficult task of choosing who to give the first impression rose to. After watching heartfelt videos from the contestants’ children, she chose Dan, finding him charming and funny. She also gave roses to several other handsome men, but felt bad that she couldn’t give one to everyone.
The episode ended on a positive note, with Joan expressing her respect for all the contestants and hinting that she will say “I love you” to someone this season. The future episodes promise more heartwarming moments and a deeper exploration of Joan’s journey to find love again.
Stay tuned for more updates on The Golden Bachelorette and the exciting developments in Joan’s quest for love.