In the surprise return of Good Bones, titled ‘Mina Takes the Lake’, Mina Starsiak takes on a new challenge as she purchases a lakefront fixer-upper with the goal of creating a peaceful family retreat. With a desire for a better work-life balance, Mina embarks on this personal project, but soon finds herself facing a difficult decision when a significant sale falls through, threatening the renovation’s progress.
Mina’s journey begins with high hopes and enthusiasm as she sets out to create a tranquil space for her family to unwind. However, as the renovation unfolds, she encounters an unexpected hurdle. The loss of a substantial sale leaves Mina with a tough choice to make regarding the future of the project and her initial vision.
This is the first of three new episodes of the series (which did wrap up last year after 8 seasons), this one is a 90 minute special and will be followed by two hour long episodes.
Good Bones: Mina Takes the Lake airs on Wednesday, August 14, 2024, at 9:00 PM on HGTV.