In this episode of Graveyard Carz, titled “Baking with Cousin Dougie,” the team takes on a variety of tasks and continues their passion for restoring classic cars. The episode airs on MotorTrend on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 10:00 PM.
Dougie lends a helping hand to Will by baking some valve covers in the kitchen, showcasing an unusual approach to car restoration. Mark, always eager to share his expertise, gives Brian a detailed lesson on the bumblebee stripe decal, an essential element in the car’s aesthetic.
The team also wraps up work on a rare 1969 Charger R/T Special Edition 440 4-speed, a true classic that’s sure to impress.
Graveyard Carz: Baking with Cousin Dougie airs on MotorTrend on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 10:00 PM.