Green Eyed Killers: Justine Vanderschoot (Crime & Investigation, Wednesday, 7 August 2024)

True Crime

Green Eyed Killers: Justine Vanderschoot airs on Crime & Investigation on Wednesday, 7 August 2024, at 9:00 pm. The episode looks at the tragic murder of 17-year-old Justine Vanderschoot, who was described as a “beautiful and intelligent young woman.”

In 2003, Justine’s life was cut short when she was strangled and buried in the woods of Placer County, California. The perpetrators, Daniel Bezemer and his friend Brandon Fernandez, admitted to the murder, but the case has since been fraught with legal complexities.

Fernandez has made repeated attempts to overturn his conviction and secure his release, but all efforts have been denied. Senate Bill 1437, enacted in 2018, allows accomplices convicted of murder who did not intend to kill to petition for re-sentencing. However, this legislation does not apply to Fernandez’s case.

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Adding to the complexities, changes in state law and the retroactive nature of new criminal justice bills and statutes have the potential to impact criminal sentences, including those related to this case.

The community, still grieving almost two decades after Justine’s death, held a candlelit vigil in her memory in 2022. They remain steadfast in their opposition to the release of Bezemer and Fernandez, reflecting the enduring impact of this tragic crime.

Green Eyed Killers: Justine Vanderschoot airs on Wednesday, 7 August 2024, at 9:00 pm on Crime & Investigation.

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