Animated sitcom, “Grimsburg,” continues to build momentum in its inaugural season with the thirteenth episode, aptly titled “Danish Dilemma,” airing on Fox on May 12, 2024.
In this entertaining installment, Grimsburg’s greatest detective, Marvin Flute, encounters a peculiar dilemma: the mysterious disappearance of his cherished Danish pastry. What commences as a quest for a sweet boysenberry Danish unexpectedly evolves into an explosive case that takes even the astute detective by surprise.
“Danish Dilemma” seamlessly weaves humor and quirkiness into the narrative fabric of “Grimsburg,” a series that revolves around the adventures of the masterful detective Marvin Flute in the fictional eponymous town. Flute, a detective extraordinaire capable of apprehending a cannibal clown and identifying a mid-century modern armoire, finds himself grappling with the complexities of understanding his own family. Now, he’s back in Grimsburg, determined to mend bridges with his ex-wife and forge a connection with the son he never knew.
“Grimsburg” is the brainchild of creators Catlan McClelland and Matthew Schlissel, and it boasts a great voice cast, including Jon Hamm as Marvin Flute, Rachel Dratch as Stan Flute, and Erinn Hayes as Harmony Flute.
“Grimsburg: Danish Dilemma” airs on Fox on May 12, 2024, at 9:30 p.m. ET/PT, or stream it later on Hulu.