Hard Truths of Conservation: Hunting in the Kiwi Wilds (HISTORY March 2, 2024)

Hard Truths of Conservation

On Saturday March 2nd at 9:00 AM., History Channel presents a new episode of Hard Truths of Conservation titled “Hunting in the Kiwi Wilds.” Host Dan Cabela embarks on an educational journey to New Zealand, exploring the importance of controlled harvesting and the challenges of managing introduced wildlife.

Throughout this series, Dan Cabela delves into the world of conservation and uncovers the hard truths behind life among some of the planet’s most fascinating creatures. From leopards to bison, cheetahs, and more, he witnesses firsthand how these animals play vital roles in maintaining ecological balance. Additionally, Dan explores how hunting and utilizing wildlife can serve as effective conservation tools in modern times.

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In this episode set against the picturesque backdrop of New Zealand’s wild landscapes, viewers will gain insights into the complex relationship between humans and wildlife. By examining controlled harvesting practices, Dan sheds light on how responsible management can help preserve delicate ecosystems while satisfying human needs.

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Tune in to History Channel on Saturday March 2nd at 9:00 AM for “Hunting in the Kiwi Wilds,” where you’ll discover new perspectives on conservation efforts and understand why protecting our natural world is a collective responsibility.

Hey there! I'm Riley, the US TV Previews editor at memorabletv.com. I may have failed as a musician, but my love for Jeopardy knows no bounds. And let me tell you, The Wire is hands down the greatest TV show ever made. I've been writing about the entertainment biz since (mumble mumble). Stay tuned for all the latest TV news and previews!