The upcoming series premiere of “High Potential” introduces viewers to Morgan, a single mom with an extraordinary mind. Her unique talent for crime-solving forges an unexpected and dynamic partnership with a seasoned, by-the-book detective. The series is based on the popular French show “Haut Potentiel Intellectuel (HPI).”
In the first episode, we meet Morgan, played by Kaitlin Olson, who possesses an exceptional intellect. Her unconventional approach to crime-solving catches the attention of a veteran detective, Karadec (Daniel Sunjata). Their contrasting styles and personalities make for an interesting partnership as they team up to tackle crimes in the LAPD Major Crimes unit.
The series also stars Javicia Leslie as Daphne, Deniz Akdeniz as Lev “Oz” Ozdil, Amirah V as Ava, Matthew Lamb as Elliot, and Judy Reyes as Selena. “High Potential” is executive produced by Todd Harthan, Drew Goddard, Sarah Esberg, Dan Etheridge, and Rob Thomas, with Kaitlin Olson serving as a producer.
High Potential: Pilot premieres Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 10:00 PM on ABC.