On Friday, March 1, 2024, at 9:00 PM, History Channel will air a brand new episode of “Ancient Aliens” titled “The UFO Superhighway.” This intriguing series explores the theories surrounding extraterrestrial visits to Earth throughout history. In this particular episode, ancient astronaut theorists examine evidence that suggests these otherworldly beings have been coming to our planet for millions of years.
By analyzing historical and evolutionary changes in humans both physically and mentally, the show presents compelling arguments about the influence of these alleged extraterrestrial visits on human history. Drawing from a diverse range of sources and expert opinions, “Ancient Aliens” delves into intriguing questions about our origins and the possible connections between humans and aliens.
“The UFO Superhighway” promises to continue this thought-provoking exploration by offering new insights into ancient astronaut theory. Be sure not to miss this latest installment when it airs on History Channel on Friday, March 1, 2024, at 9:00 PM.