On Monday, September 2, 2024, HGTV airs an episode of House Hunters titled “A Place to Party.” The episode follows two couples on their respective journeys to find new homes that cater to their love of entertaining.
The first couple, relocating to Texas, is keen to purchase an entertainer’s dream home near their friends. They’re specifically seeking a space that will allow them to host get-togethers and spend quality time with their loved ones. The ideal home will have an open-plan layout, a spacious kitchen for preparing delicious meals, and perhaps even a dedicated games room for added fun.
The second couple is embarking on their first home purchase and has a unique request. They want their new home to serve not just as a residence but also as a party pad. Their wish list includes a large backyard with plenty of room for outdoor gatherings, a modern kitchen for experimenting with new recipes, and perhaps even a pool where they can host pool parties.
House Hunters: A Place to Party airs on HGTV on Monday, September 2, 2024, at 10:01 PM.