In the Sunday night episode of HGTV’s House Hunters, a couple embarks on the next step in their journey towards financial freedom as they search for a new home in the Kansas City area. Having recently paid off their student loans, they are now debt-free and eager to find a space to call their own.
The episode, titled “Debt-Free and Ready in KC,” sees the couple determined to make a smart financial decision when it comes to their first home purchase. He is cautious about taking on more debt and prefers the idea of a smaller mortgage. In contrast, she believes that investing in a family home is a worthwhile expense.
Will they opt for a smaller home that minimizes their mortgage, or will they choose a larger family home that may require a bigger financial commitment?
House Hunters: Debt-Free and Ready in KC, airs on HGTV on Sunday, August 18, 2024, at 10:01 PM.