House Of Gods Episode 5, March 24, ABC TV

House of Gods on ABC

In the fifth episode of House Of Gods, airing on Sunday 24 March 2024 at 8:30 pm on ABC TV, viewers are transported to a shisha café where Iraqi musician Jasim Al-Helou (played by Mustafa Al Tayar) takes center stage. Little do the patrons know that Jasim is also working as a courier, secretly transporting “payments” for his performances back to Seyyed Modhaffer (played by Faris Daniel) in Iraq.

As Sheikh Mohammad (played by Kamel El Basha) departs for Mecca to guide pilgrims on the Hajj, Sheikh Shaaker (played by Simon Elrahi) steps in as his temporary replacement and immediately enforces more conservative values within the community. With the arrival of this holy period, entertainment such as football games and music are banned while only the Koran is permitted.

However, this poses a significant risk to Jasim’s concert and the handover of money. As tensions rise, Batul (played by Maia Abbas), Jasim’s wife, becomes increasingly worried about her husband’s safety after militia members break into their home and mention Isa (played by Osamah Sami). Confronting Isa leads to a startling confession: he bought their father’s election and gave Seyyed Modhaffer an apartment as collateral.

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Batul is shocked but takes matters into her own hands when she discovers that much of the money is coming from the mosque. She demands that Isa sell his business since it’s unacceptable to steal Allah’s money—a price he must pay for her silence.

Elsewhere, Nadir (played by Andrew Attieh) asks Hind (played by Safia Arain) out on a date. However, their plans take an unfortunate turn when Nadir fails to show up due to a car accident that leaves him fighting for his life. Nadir’s mother seeks permission to take him off life support, but Sheikh Shaaker refuses, citing Islamic law.

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As tension and emotions run high, Isa calls his father in Mecca who immediately returns home to help navigate the difficult situation. Meanwhile, Jamila (played by Priscilla Doueihy) provides comfort to Isa at his truck wash, leading to an unexpected moment between the two.

Don’t miss this fifth episode of House Of Gods on Sunday 24 March 2024 at 8:30 pm on ABC TV.

Jackson Anderson, your go-to Australian TV Correspondent, reporting on all things Aussie TV and Streaming. With a deep passion for extreme sports, especially snowboarding, I blend my love for adrenaline with my storytelling skills. Join me as I dive into the world of Australian entertainment and bring you all the latest news.