House of the Dragon boss Ryan Condal has shared an update on the show’s upcoming season, confirming that writing for season three is in progress. Speaking at a press conference, Condal disclosed that filming will likely begin in early 2025. When asked about the number of episodes, he implied that the season will maintain the current pace, suggesting an eight-episode structure.
The conference addressed mixed fan reactions to the season two finale, which omitted the “Battle of the Gullet.” Condal assured viewers that this pivotal moment will occur, saying: “We’re building towards that event, and it will happen soon.” He emphasised the need to allocate sufficient time to do justice to the battle.
Condal acknowledged the challenges of producing the show, noting the creation of feature-length episodes. He apologised for the wait between seasons, expressing his team’s commitment to delivering on the highly anticipated battle.
House of the Dragon is currently available for streaming on Max in the US and Sky Now in the UK.