The Sky Crime documentary series How I Caught the Killer returns with an investigation into the murder of Lanell Barsock, a 29-year-old nursing student from Palmdale, California. The episode, titled “Fatal Attraction – Larene Austin,” will be broadcast on Tuesday, 27 August 2024, at 9:00 pm.
The focus of this episode is the tragic death of Lanell Barsock, whose body was found in a garage in June 2010. While it was initially believed that she died from blunt-force trauma to the head, investigators later discovered that she had been shot. As detectives probed further, evidence initially pointed towards Barsock’s boyfriend.
It was eventually discovered though that Barsock’s “best friend,” Larene Eleanor Austin, was responsible for her murder. Larene allegedly overheard a dispute between Barsock and her boyfriend, Louis Bonheuer, prior to the murder. Larene was sentenced to 50 years in prison for taking Barsock’s life.
How I Caught the Killer: Fatal Attraction – Larene Austin will be broadcast on Sky Crime on Tuesday, 27 August 2024, at 9:00 pm.