The Sky Crime documentary series How I Caught the Killer returns with a new episode titled “The Highway Hunter – Adam Leroy Lane,” airing on Tuesday, 20 August 2024, at 9:00 pm. This instalment focuses on serial killer Adam Leroy Lane, who earned the moniker “The Highway Killer” due to his crimes being committed near highways, a consequence of his frequent travels as a truck driver.
The police’s investigation begins with the discovery of Monica Massaro’s body, bearing 17 stab wounds, in her home. From there, the documentary retraces Lane’s steps and uncovers his three other known victims: Darlene Ewalt, Patricia Brooks, and Shea McDonough. Lane’s crimes took place during his travels through the Northeastern United States in the summer of 2007, and his choice of weapon was a knife.
Darlene Ewalt, aged 42, was Lane’s first known victim. On July 13, 2007, in West Hanover Township, near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, she was stabbed to death while talking on the phone on her patio at around 2 am. Lane slit her throat and stabbed her multiple times while her family was inside the house.
Lane’s next victim was Patricia Brooks, whom he stabbed on July 17, 2007, in Conewago Township, York County, Pennsylvania. She was sleeping on her couch when Lane attacked her.
Monica Massaro, 38, was Lane’s third victim. He cut her throat and stabbed her in the head, neck, and chest in her bedroom in Bloomsbury, New Jersey, just one day before his final crime.
Lane’s last known crime occurred on July 30, 2007, in Chelmsford, Massachusetts. He broke into a house and attacked 15-year-old Shea McDonough with a hunting knife. Fortunately, her parents awoke to the sounds of the struggle and were able to intervene.
How I Caught the Killer: The Highway Hunter – Adam Leroy Lane airs on Sky Crime on Tuesday, 20 August 2024, at 9:00 pm.