The Investigation Discovery documentary series How (Not) to Get Rid of a Body explores the minds of twisted killers and the detectives who bring them to justice. In the fourth episode, “A Barrel of Burnt Bones,” airing on Wednesday September 25, the show explores a chilling murder investigation that spanned over a decade.
Pennsylvania State Troopers are confronted with a disturbing scene: charred and decomposed human remains in the Poconos. The discovery sets off a lengthy and troubling investigation to uncover the truth behind this haunting crime. The episode provides insight into the meticulous work of detectives as they piece together clues and evidence to identify the victim and bring the perpetrator to justice.
With never-before-seen material, the show highlights the gruesome details of the case and the challenges faced by law enforcement in their pursuit of justice.
How (Not) to Get Rid of a Body: A Barrel of Burnt Bones airs on Wednesday, 25 September 2024, at 10:00 p.m. on Investigation Discovery.