In this new documentary, Munya Chawawa uncovers the realities of life under Kim Jong-Un’s regime in North Korea. Broadcasting on Channel 4, the programme airs on Monday, 30 September 2024, at 10 pm.
Munya Chawawa, known for his satirical sketches, takes on a different role as he explores the authoritarian rule of Kim Jong-Un. His investigative journey spans from Switzerland to Seoul and even reaches suburban west London. Along the way, he encounters individuals with remarkable insights, including a former school friend of Kim Jong-Un and people who have personally experienced the impacts of the regime.
Through a combination of interviews, historical context, and Chawawa’s signature comedic sketches, the documentary aims to uncover the truth behind one of the world’s most secretive and notorious regimes. It’s a unique perspective on Kim Jong-Un’s leadership and the country’s isolation, challenging some of the myths that surround the hermit kingdom.
How to Survive a Dictator: North Korea airs on Channel 4, Monday, 30 September 2024, at 22:00.