Hulu presents the complete first season of How to Die Alone, a humorous exploration of self-discovery and second chances. Streaming from September 13, the series introduces Mel, a unique and relatable protagonist whose life is about to take an unexpected turn.
In the first episode, “Stop Living,” we meet Mel, a broke, Black JFK airport employee who has never known love and has lost her sense of dream and ambition. When her best friend stands her up on her birthday, Mel takes matters into her own hands and embarks on a solo adventure that sets the tone for the rest of the season.
The following episode, “Lie and Deny,” finds Mel still recovering from an accident, partnering with Rory on a quest for prescription drugs within the airport’s hidden underbelly. Their journey takes them to unexpected places and reveals the airport’s secrets.
Episode three, “Burn Bridges,” looks into Mel’s past and present through a professional development classroom exercise.
Finally, in “Settle,” Mel finds herself entangled in Alex’s life, dealing with their past, present, and future.
How to Die Alone premieres on Hulu on Friday, September 13, 2024.