The documentary series In My Own Words continues on BBC One with an episode profiling artist, muse, and mother Alison Lapper. Airing on Monday, 9 September 2024, at 10:40 pm, the episode offers a visually rich and emotionally intimate portrait of Lapper as she opens up about her life and art following the loss of her son, Parys.
Through a combination of intimate first-person testimony, archival footage, and present-day footage, the episode looks into Lapper’s life and work, providing a unique insight into her creative process and her journey through grief.
Known for her striking artwork and unique perspective, Lapper shares her story, and it’s a powerful testament to the healing power of art.
In My Own Words: Alison Lapper airs Monday, 9 September 2024, at 10:40 pm on BBC One.