The documentary series In the Eye of the Storm continues on Discovery with the episode “Half-Country Hurricane.” Airing on Sunday, August 4, 2024, the episode focuses on Hurricane Ida, which made landfall in Louisiana in 2021, and the subsequent impact and eyewitness accounts of the storm’s path of destruction.
The episode provides a detailed account of Hurricane Ida, which caused widespread devastation not only in Louisiana but also further north, with its effects felt as far as New York City. Through eyewitness footage, the episode captures the raw power and impact of the hurricane, including encounters with tornadoes and severe flooding.
As the hurricane moved inland, it brought torrential rainfall, triggering flash floods and causing rivers to overflow their banks. The episode includes footage of the flooding in New York City, where the storm’s impact was unexpectedly severe, causing travel disruptions and inundating streets and subway stations.
“Half-Country Hurricane” showcases the resilience of communities in the face of natural disasters and the crucial role of eyewitness documentation in capturing the magnitude and impact of such events. It highlights how Hurricane Ida, despite making landfall as a Category 4 hurricane, continued to wreak havoc far beyond the coastal regions, affecting a large swath of the country.
In the Eye of the Storm: Half-Country Hurricane airs on Sunday, August 4, 2024, at 10:00 PM on Discovery.