The documentary series In the Eye of the Storm, airing on Discovery on Sunday night, presents a unique perspective on natural disasters with footage captured by individuals who found themselves in the midst of these events. The sixth episode, “Texas Tornado,” focuses on a tornado outbreak that struck Texas and Kansas in 2022, leaving a trail of destruction.
Eyewitnesses provide an intimate and terrifying account of the outbreak. As the tornadoes touch down, those in their path seek shelter wherever they can, whether in sturdy buildings or underground shelters.
The episode captures the harrowing moments when the tornadoes rip through structures, uprooting trees, and leaving a path of devastation. The footage, filmed by individuals caught in the storm’s eye, provides a raw and unfiltered view of nature’s fury.
The episode also explores the stories of survival and resilience in the face of such destructive forces.
In the Eye of the Storm: Texas Tornado airs on Sunday, August 18, 2024, at 10:00 PM on Discovery.