The documentary series Intervention returns with a new episode, ‘Danielle’, airing on A&E on Monday, August 12, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. The episode centers on the story of a mother struggling with a fentanyl addiction, as her concerned children fear for her life.
We learn about the traumatic events from Danielle’s past, including sexual assault and the loss of a child, that led her to turn to drugs as a coping mechanism. The episode will document the intervention process, where her loved ones confront her about the impact of her addiction and offer her the opportunity to seek rehabilitation.
The interventionists’ try to help Danielle address her addiction and encourage her to accept treatment. The episode also explores the tactics that may be employed to persuade Danielle to enter rehab, including potential legal consequences and the possibility of losing contact with her loved ones.
With the support of her family and the interventionists, Danielle has the chance to confront her past traumas and embark on a path towards recovery.
Intervention: Danielle airs Monday, August 12, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. on A&E.