The documentary series Intervention returns with the second of two new episodes for the evening with ‘Greg’ airing on A&E on Monday June 24, 2024. The episode focuses on a former teenage basketball prodigy struggling with addiction to fentanyl and meth, while also dealing with the aftermath of his father’s abandonment.
In this emotional episode, the experts step in to help Greg, whose life has been impacted by his father’s decision to leave their family and live in a homeless camp.
Now, Greg must confront his own addiction issues and find a path to recovery. The intervention team works to address the underlying causes of Greg’s addiction, which can be traced back to his father’s downward spiral.
‘Greg’ is a powerful episode that explores the far-reaching consequences of addiction and the impact it can have on families. By seeking help, Greg takes the first step towards healing and rebuilding his life.
Intervention: Greg airs on A&E on June 24, 2024, at 10:00 PM.