In the series premiere of Into the Jungle with Ed Stafford, international explorer Ed Stafford guides six everyday fathers and their children through a challenging journey in the wilds of Belize. Ed, who began his own adventure career in this very country, tests the group’s mettle with a series of demanding tasks.
From scaling lofty waterfalls and traversing mountain ridges to exploring ancient sinkholes and braving the dense jungle, the participants must also contend with the harsh natural elements, including scorching heat, wild animals, insects, and oppressive humidity.
In this first episode, Ed challenges the dads to navigate through the thick jungle to locate their kids. To reach their children, the fathers must take a daring leap from a 25-foot-high cliff into the waters below. Jeff’s overconfidence proves to be his downfall, while Jethro discovers his own capacity for courage in the face of adversity.
Later, Ed presents the group with an opportunity to explore a Mayan-revered sinkhole, believed to be an entrance to the underworld. To reach the bottom quickly, they must abseil down a daunting 160-foot drop. Will the dads and kids be able to unite and overcome their fears to conquer this challenge?
Into the Jungle with Ed Stafford Series 1 Episode 1 airs Tuesday, 24 September 2024, at 9:30 pm on Channel 4.