The premiere episode of It’s Florida, Man, titled “Toes,” introduces us to the eccentric and amusing world of Florida. In this episode, a music enthusiast takes on unusual jobs to earn money for a concert, ultimately finding himself entangled in an Orlando man’s peculiar fantasy.
This late-night comedy series is a unique blend of interviews and playful reenactments, bringing to life bizarre stories that emerge from the Sunshine State.
With a rotating cast of actors and comedians, including Anna Faris, Jake Johnson, Randall Park, and more, the series is equal parts humor and heart. It’s Florida, Man is a love letter to the state, celebrating its beaches, backwaters, and, most importantly, its one-of-a-kind residents.
It’s Florida, Man: Toes airs Friday, October 18, 2024, at 11:00 PM on HBO.