Comedian Jason Manford is set to host a new BBC One quiz show, The Answer Run, which offers a unique twist on the traditional format. The show, produced by BBC Studios Entertainment Productions, will air this month and feature a fast-paced, general knowledge challenge.
“We had so much fun filming The Answer Run earlier this year, and the contestants across each episode were brilliant! I can’t wait for audiences to see it on screen this month and play along themselves at home,” Manford said.
In each episode, three pairs of contestants will compete for a cash prize by selecting the correct answer from two given options. The questions will span a wide range of categories, such as “Dolly Parton or Barbie,” “Venus or Saturn,” and “Eastenders or Coronation Street.”
Throughout the show, two teams will be eliminated, culminating in The Final Run. The remaining pair will have the chance to secure the money they have accumulated during the episode.
The Answer Run, consisting of 25 episodes each 45 minutes long, was commissioned by Rob Unsworth, Head of BBC Daytime and Early Peak commissioning. The Commissioning Editor is Alex McLeod. The show is a BBC Studios Entertainment production made in Glasgow, Scotland. Suzy Lamb serves as the Managing Director of BBC Studios Entertainment, with Pete Ogden as the Creative Director and Gareth Edwards as the Executive Producer.
UK News, The Answer Run, BBC One,