Jeopardy! on Monday, September 16, 2024, featured a talented trio of contestants: Aiden Orzech, a teacher from Thornhill, Ontario; Sam Watson, a pharmacy software salesman from Westwood, Missouri; and Evan Suttell, a nonprofit program assistant from Lakewood, Ohio, who entered the game as the one-day champion with winnings of $20,200.
The categories for the day included “1964 FIRSTS,” “FUN WITH U.S.,” and “STATE CAPITAL NAMES,” among others. Aiden quickly established himself as a contender, with a strong performance in the first round.
As the game progressed into Double Jeopardy!, the categories shifted to “WORKING FROM ‘HOME,'” “TRANSLATE THE DOC TALK,” and “GONE COUNTRY.” Sam Watson, who had a solid start, continued to make strategic moves, but it was Evan Suttell who found his stride, answering correctly and building on his previous winnings.
Aiden Orzech, with a consistent and impressive performance, maintained his lead throughout Double Jeopardy!, correctly answering a Daily Double in the “STAGE DIRECTIONS IN SHAKESPEARE” category.
Heading into Final Jeopardy!, the category was “HISTORY,” and the clue was “A 1976 report initiated by Admiral Rickover found it was an internal, not external, explosion that caused the destruction of this”. Both Aiden and Evan provided the correct response of “What is the Maine?” Aiden’s strategic wager of $11,999, just one dollar more than necessary, secured his victory, bringing his total score to $27,599.
Evan Suttell, despite his one-day champion status and a score of $19,200, finished in second place. Sam Watson, with a total of $5,600, placed third and last.