The Jeopardy! stage welcomed three new contestants: Sam Neuman, a global communications specialist from New York City; Chris Lindsay, an attorney from Carmel, California; and Aiden Orzech, a teacher from Thornhill, Ontario, who entered the game as a two-day champion with winnings of $49,599.
The first round categories included “Princes & Princesses,” “Vancouver, B.C.,” “Completes the Song Titles,” “Rain Check,” and “7-Up.” Aiden started strongly, doubling his score to $2,000 on a Daily Double question about Vancouver, B.C. Sam Neuman also performed well, leading with $2,600 at the first break.
As the game progressed into Double Jeopardy!, the categories shifted to “Give Us Your Initial Thoughts,” “The Historical Hoosegow,” “Constellations,” “NFTs & IPOs,” “Presidential Last Names,” and “Little Black Books.” Aiden’s lead was short-lived as he encountered a challenging question about ozone-depleting chemicals, losing $3,000. Sam, on the other hand, maintained his momentum and increased his score to $9,800 with a correct response on a Daily Double about constellations.
Heading into Final Jeopardy!, the scores were closely contested, with Sam leading at $10,200, Chris at $5,800, and Aiden at $5,200. The category for Final Jeopardy! was “The Movies,” and the clue read: “Hewlett-Packard’s first big customer was Walt Disney, who purchased special sound equipment for the making and showing of this film.”
Chris, who had been trailing for most of the game, provided the correct response, identifying the film as “What is Fantasia?” His strategic move of doubling his score paid off, resulting in a come-from-behind victory with a total of $11,600. Aiden and Sam finished with $0 and $8,780, respectively.