Three contestants squared off on Wednesday’s Jeopardy!, each hoping to make their mark on the game. Lois Dioro, a realtor hailing from West Haven, Connecticut, faced Evan Dorey, a data analytics director from Toronto, Ontario, and returning two-day champion Joey DeSena, a development engineer from Raleigh, North Carolina, boasting previous winnings of $44,698.
The Jeopardy! round saw the contestants grapple with categories like “Great Women in Sports,” “Adult Contemporary Lit,” and “Also a Beverage Brand.” Evan Dorey took an early lead, capitalizing on the Daily Double to boost his score to $4,000. By the first commercial break, Joey DeSena trailed with -$200, while Lois Dioro remained at $0.
Double Jeopardy! brought new challenges with categories including “A Piece of History,” “Colleges & Universities,” and “From the Greek.” Evan, maintaining his lead, encountered the first Daily Double but stumbled slightly. Lois Dioro found the last Daily Double, wagering aggressively but ultimately falling short of reclaiming the top spot. However, a well-timed correct response on the final clue of the round propelled her into a tie with Evan for first place entering Final Jeopardy!, both at $14,600. Joey DeSena lagged behind at $7,400.
The Final Jeopardy! category, “Poetry & Places,” posed a geographical query related to a Robert Burns poem. Only Evan Dorey deciphered the clue correctly, doubling his score to a triumphant $29,200. Lois Dioro wagered a significant portion of her winnings but answered incorrectly, landing at $12,000. Joey DeSena’s small wager resulted in a final score of $199.
Wednesday’s episode saw the end of Joey DeSena’s winning streak, while Lois Dioro proved a formidable competitor. However, it was Evan Dorey’s strategic play and accurate Final Jeopardy! response that secured him the victory.
Tune in to Jeopardy!, weeknights on your local stations. Check your local listing for airtimes.