Stand-up comedian Katherine Ryan presents a celebration of the legendary Joan Rivers and her indelible impact on comedy. This special, airing on BBC Four, spotlights the groundbreaking nature of Joan’s appearances on various BBC shows and how she pushed boundaries with her uncompromising and hilarious material.
Katherine Ryan guides viewers through a collection of archive clips, highlighting how Joan Rivers left a mark on traditionally ‘safe’ BBC programmes such as Pebble Mill, Wogan, and even Breakfast Time. With her razor-sharp tongue, Joan delivered comic lines that were shocking yet irresistibly funny, often leaving viewers laughing despite themselves and craving more.
The special also explores the tragedies in Joan’s life, revealing a rare openness that, coupled with her refusal to censor herself, won her legions of devoted fans. This vulnerability, paired with her fearless comedy, firmly established her reputation as one of the greats in the world of comedy.
Joan Rivers at the BBC airs on Sunday, 8 September 2024, at 10:00 PM on BBC Four.