John Slattery, known for his role in the critically acclaimed series Mad Men, has been cast in the upcoming USA Network drama series The Rainmaker. Slattery will portray Leo F. Drummond, a legendary courtroom lawyer and senior partner at the powerful law firm Tinley Britt.
Based on the novel by John Grisham, The Rainmaker follows fresh law school graduate Rudy Baylor as he takes on both Drummond and his former law school girlfriend in court. Baylor, along with his boss and her paralegal, uncover conspiracies surrounding the mysterious death of their client’s son.
Slattery received four Emmy Award nominations for his role in Mad Men and has appeared in various television series, including Mrs. America, The Good Fight, 30 Rock, and Veep. He also earned a Critics’ Choice Award nomination for his role in Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp.
His film credits include Spotlight, Ant-Man, The Adjustment Bureau, Iron Man 2, and Flags of Our Fathers, among others. Slattery has also directed several episodes of Mad Men and the feature film God’s Pocket. His recent directorial project, Maggie Moore(s), starring John Hamm and Tina Fey, premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2023.
The Rainmaker is produced by Lionsgate Television and Blumhouse Television, with Michael Seitzman, Jason Richman, John Grisham, David Gernert, and Jason Blum serving as executive producers.