Johnson: Near Miss (Bounce, Saturday, August 24, 2024)


In Near Miss, the fifth episode of Johnson’s fourth season, the Johnson men embark on a trip to the Bahamas for Keith and Jackee’s destination wedding.

However, Jarvis is less than thrilled with his travel accommodations, while Keith takes matters into his own hands by packing a potent lunch for the journey.

Meanwhile, Greg receives a special delivery that may make his trip more enjoyable.

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Johnson: Near Miss airs on Bounce on Saturday, August 24, 2024, at 8:00 p.m.

Hey there! I'm Riley, the US TV Previews editor at I may have failed as a musician, but my love for Jeopardy knows no bounds. And let me tell you, The Wire is hands down the greatest TV show ever made. I've been writing about the entertainment biz since (mumble mumble). Stay tuned for all the latest TV news and previews!