Kelly Monaco, a longtime fixture on the daytime drama “General Hospital,” is departing the show after nearly two decades. The soaper, which airs on ABC, has opted to write out her character, Sam McCall, with Monaco’s final appearance expected to air this autumn.
Monaco began portraying Sam McCall in October 2003 and has been central to the long-running series. Prior to “General Hospital,” Monaco was known for her role as Livvie Locke on the spinoff “Port Charles,” which she played from 2000 until it’s cancellation in 2003.
Monaco was nominated for an Outstanding Supporting Actress Daytime Emmy in 2003 for Port Charles and scored a lead actress Daytime Emmy nod in 2006. Monaco has also made a trio of appearances on fellow ABC series Dancing With The Stars, winning the show’s first season in 2005, taking part in an All Stars series in 2012 and turning up for a guest appearance in 2017.
General Hospital airs Weekdays at 2:00pm on ABC.