Kelly Reilly, the award-winning actor known for her roles in Yellowstone and True Detective, will lead a new Sky Original crime thriller series, Under Salt Marsh. The show is created, written, and show-run by Claire Oakley (Make Up), who also serves as the lead director.
Under Salt Marsh is a crime thriller that takes place in the fictional Welsh town of Morfa Halen. The story centres around former detective Jackie Ellis (Reilly), who now works as a teacher. When Jackie finds the body of Cefin, her 8-year-old pupil, apparently drowned, it shocks the close-knit community. The incident also brings back memories of an unsolved cold case from three years ago: the disappearance of Jackie’s niece, Nessa, which ended her career.
As the town deals with the tragedy, Jackie’s ex-partner, Detective Eric Bull, returns to Morfa Halen to head the investigation. He faces the challenging task of solving not only Cefin’s death but also unravelling the long- buried mysteries surrounding Nessa’s disappearance.
The series is produced by Little Door Productions in association with Sky Studios and will start filming later in 2024.
Under Salt Marsh is produced by Little Door Productions for Sky. Executive producers are Elwen Rowlands for Little Door Productions, Megan Spanjian for Sky Studios, and Claire Oakley.