Produced by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon, Kiss the Future is a powerful story set during the 1990s siege of Sarajevo in the Bosnian War. The film brings to life the defiant spirit of a vibrant, underground community that used art and music as a force for change during this dark chapter in history.
Kiss the Future examines the impact of their efforts, ultimately reaching and inspiring an American aid worker to involve the band U2 in raising global awareness of the devastating conflict.
The film follows the band’s commitment to perform a post-war concert, a promise that came to fruition when U2 played to over 45,000 local fans in a liberated Sarajevo. This moment of joy and unity left an enduring, joyous collective memory for the people of the city.
Kiss the Future airs on SBS and streams on SBS on Demand, premiering Sunday, 1 September 2024, at 8:25 pm.