The eight-part Australian dramedy series Last Days of the Space Age, starring Radha Mitchell and Jesse Spencer, launches on Hulu as an original series on Wednesday October 2. Set in 1979, the story takes us to Western Australia, specifically Perth, which found itself at the center of international attention during this time.
The narrative is set against a backdrop of a power strike that threatens to plunge the region into darkness, coinciding with Perth hosting the iconic Miss Universe pageant, and the crash of the US space station, Skylab, just beyond the city’s suburbs.
The series explores the impact of these events on three families living in a close-knit coastal community, as their lives intersect through marriages, friendships, and shared aspirations. Their personal stories become a microcosm of the broader cultural and political shifts occurring globally.
Last Days of the Space Age premieres on Hulu on Wednesday, October 2, 2024.