The wilderness, for all its beauty, is a fickle mistress. Logger Jared Douglas knows this better than most. He and his crew face a relentless deadline: the looming threat of fire season. Every swing of the axe, every whine of the saw is a gamble against the encroaching flames. This week’s The Last Woodsmen finds Douglas in a race against time, a desperate push to salvage valuable logs before the wilderness turns into an inferno. The road crew, meanwhile, faces its own set of challenges, blasting their way to a final stand of “money trees”—ancient giants that could bring a windfall. Each tree represents a potential fortune, with some worth up to $70,000. The stakes, much like the towering trees themselves, are incredibly high.
Operating from a floating barge, hundreds of miles from civilization, Douglas and his crew rely on grit, skill, and a touch of luck. Forget the conveniences of modern logging; these men work with axes, hand-held power saws, and the sheer force of will. It’s a testament to a bygone era, a raw and visceral approach to a dangerous profession.
The Last Woodsmen airs Fridays at 9 p.m. EST on Discovery.