In Causing a Stink, the twelfth episode of Investigation Discovery’s Late Night Lockup, officers in Marathon, Florida, encounter an unruly woman who resists arrest, leading to a challenging situation.
The episode also features a dangerous late-night pursuit in La Crosse, Wisconsin, and an unusual incident in Lakewood, Washington, where a drunk driver not only causes a crash but also leaves a foul stench in their wake.
In Marathon, Florida, police are called to deal with a woman causing a disturbance. However, when they attempt to bring the situation under control, she becomes combative and refuses to cooperate, turning a routine call into a difficult and potentially dangerous encounter.
Meanwhile, in La Crosse, Wisconsin, officers find themselves in a high-stakes pursuit as they chase after a suspect in the dead of night. The dangerous situation gets serious as the suspect attempts to evade capture, keeping the officers on their toes and requiring all their training and expertise to bring the pursuit to a safe conclusion.
In Lakewood, Washington, a drunk driver is involved in a crash, but that’s not the only problem they leave behind. The driver also manages to create a putrid smell.
Late Night Lockup: Causing a Stink airs on Tuesday, 27 August 2024, at 10:00 PM on Investigation Discovery.