Late Night with Seth Meyers welcomes actor Channing Tatum to the show. Tatum will discuss his upcoming film Blink Twice, a psychological thriller directed by his fiancée, Zoë Kravitz. In the film, Tatum stars as Slater King, a billionaire tech mogul who invites a cocktail waitress to his private island for a luxurious party, where things take a dark turn.
American professional basketball player Sabrina Ionescu will also be on the show. Ionescu plays for the New York Liberty in the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) and is considered one of the greatest collegiate players of all time. She was a two-time youth gold medalist with the United States and won a gold medal at the 2024 Summer Olympics.
Late Night with Seth Meyers airs Wednesday, August 21, 2024, on NBC.