The documentary series Like a Girl airs its sixth episode from its second season, airing on FUSE TV on Wednesday evening. The episode features Emma Malabuyo, an artistic gymnast who represented the Philippines at the 2024 Summer Olympics.
Born in the United States on November 5, 2002, Malabuyo began her gymnastics training at Airborne Gymnastics in Santa Clara with coach Elisabeth Crandall-Howell.
Emma Malabuyo’s gymnastics career has been decorated with notable achievements. She has represented the U.S. National Team five times between 2016 and 2021 and served as an alternate for the 2020 Olympic team. Her competition results include a second-place finish in the all-around at the 2016 Secret U.S. Classic and a third-place finish at the 2016 P&G U.S. National Gymnastics Championships. Malabuyo also stood on the podium at the 2017 City of Jesolo Trophy, taking home the bronze.
The episode looks into Malabuyo’s journey to the 2024 Olympics. She secured her spot on the Olympic team after a successful performance at the Asian Championships in Uzbekistan, where she achieved the highest all-around score among eligible athletes, earning a bronze medal with a total score of 50.398.
Like a Girl: Olympic Gymnast Emma Malabuyo airs on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, at 9:00 p.m. on FUSE TV.