ABC News Studios has announced a new true-crime docuseries, “Little Miss Innocent: Passion. Poison. Prison.” which explores the controversial case of Kaitlyn Conley, a young woman convicted of manslaughter. The series, streaming exclusively on Hulu from September 20th, is a comprehensive examination of the events surrounding the 2015 killing of Mary Yoder.
Conley, a former receptionist, has consistently maintained her innocence, and this docuseries marks her first public statement. She shares her account of the troubled relationship with her ex-boyfriend, Adam, and offers her perspective on the tragic circumstances leading to Mary’s death. The series also includes exclusive audio recordings, featuring an interview with Bill Yoder, Mary’s husband.
With unique access, the production team has gathered insights from friends, families, investigators, and local residents. This docuseries is a significant development in the public discourse surrounding the Yoder family tragedy, as it marks the first time in seven years that the family has openly discussed the case.
“Little Miss Innocent” is produced by Plum Pictures and ABC News Studios, with executive producers Stuart Cabb and Beth Hoppe, and senior executive producer David Sloan.