In the series premiere of new six part BBC crime thriller Ludwig, puzzle setter John ‘Ludwig’ Taylor, played by David Mitchell, finds his solitary life disrupted when his identical twin, DCI James Taylor, disappears. Persuaded by his sister-in-law Lucy (Anna Maxwell Martin), John reluctantly embraces the challenge of impersonating his brother, a detective in the Cambridge Police Authority.
John undertakes a dual mission: infiltrating the Major Investigations Team, gathering information, and solving a murder, all while maintaining his brother’s identity. It’s a demanding task, especially for a reclusive genius puzzle designer unaccustomed to the outside world.
As John ventures into this unfamiliar territory, he must juggle his new role as a detective with his ongoing quest to find his brother. Can he unravel this personal puzzle and locate his twin?
The full series will also be available on BBC iPlayer and the cast also includes Sophie Willan as Holly Pinder, Ralph Ineson as Chief Constable Ziegler, Dorothy Atkinson as DCS Carol Shaw, Izuka Hoyle as DS Alice Finch and Gerran Howell as DC Simon Evans.
Ludwig’s series premiere airs on Wednesday, 25 September 2024, at 9:00 pm on BBC One.