Martin Scorsese, the acclaimed director known for gritty crime dramas, turns his lens toward religious history in a new docudrama series, “Martin Scorsese Presents: The Saints.” Premiering on FOX Nation this Sunday, November 17, the series is expected to bring a touch of Scorsese’s signature cinematic style to the lives of eight saints, spanning two millennia.
This initial batch of four episodes focuses on Joan of Arc, John the Baptist, Sebastian, and Maximilian Kolbe. Each hour-long episode offers a distinct portrait, examining their supposed acts of kindness, selflessness, and, of course, sacrifice.
While dramatic recreations help visualize their lives, Scorsese’s narration and presence loom large, guiding viewers through the historical and spiritual context. He’s long been fascinated with these figures, and this project gives him a platform to share that interest. Whether viewers are familiar with the stories or approaching them for the first time, Scorsese’s involvement adds an extra hook.
The remaining four episodes, covering additional saints, will arrive in April-May 2025, coinciding with the religiously significant spring season.
“Martin Scorsese Presents: The Saints” Premieres Sunday, November 17, at 9/8c on FOX Nation.
“Martin Scorsese Presents: The Saints” is a Lionsgate Alternative Television, Sikelia Productions, Weimaraner Republic Pictures, LBI Entertainment, and Halcyon Studios production for FOX Nation.
Executive producers are Martin Scorsese, Emma Tillinger Koskoff, Margaret Riley, Meryl Poster, Nancy Abraham, Lisa Heller, and Stan Wlodkowski, along with creators Matti Leshem and Kent Jones.