The long-running quiz show Mastermind is back with a new series, airing Mondays at 7.30 pm on BBC iPlayer and BBC Two, starting Monday 12 August. Hosted by Clive Myrie, the show challenges 96 contenders with diverse Specialist Subjects and tough general knowledge questions. The competitors aim to reach the Grand Final and claim the coveted title of Mastermind Champion.
The range of Specialist Subjects is impressive and varied, including topics such as Caravaggio, the History of Shetland Hand Knitting, Taylor Swift, Badgers, and the Novels of Zadie Smith.
Clive Myrie, the show’s host, said “from all walks of life and from all corners of the UK, there’s only one destination-the Mastermind black chair. Our fresh crop of specialist subjects are varied and fascinating.” Executive Producer Jimmy Mulville calls Mastermind “the unicorn of television formats,” praising its status as the gold standard of quizzes.
The show is produced by Hindsight & Hat Trick for BBC Two, with filming taking place in Belfast and support from Northern Ireland Screen.