In celebration of Friends reaching its 30th anniversary, Max has announced an exciting new fan competition show, Fast Friends. Produced by Warner Bros. Unscripted Television, the four-part game show will feature contestants racing through iconic sets like Monica and Rachel’s apartment and Central Perk, competing in trivia, puzzles, and challenges to claim the title of Ultimate Friends Fan.
Filming for the series will take place next month at The FRIENDS Experience: The One in New York City, a flagship interactive location that brings the show’s memorable moments to life.
Alongside Fast Friends, Max is launching a comprehensive global campaign to honor three decades of Friends. Fans can enjoy special anniversary surprises, in-app exclusives, and rewatch episodes in 4K UHD with Dolby Vision and HDR10.
The campaign includes refreshed key art for the show’s collection page, new themed episode playlists like “The Most Watched Episodes” and “Best of Chandler,” and bonus content, including behind-the-scenes featurettes that explore the making of Friends and its enduring legacy in pop culture.
Max has also introduced an interactive Friends photo frame effect on TikTok, allowing users to recreate the iconic yellow frame and share their favorite Friends-inspired moments.