Detective duo of McDonald and Dodds return for the final instalment of Series 4, facing a challenging case during peak wedding season in Bath. In the episode titled “Wedding Fever,” the city is rocked by a spate of suspicious deaths, with a race against time to unravel the truth.
The episode opens with a tragic twist as a vicar, Mitchell Morrison, is found murdered in the vestry immediately after performing a wedding ceremony. DCI McDonald’s (Tala Gouveia) instincts lead her to suspect the bride, Lotty (Esme Coy), and her family, who shared a close relationship with the vicar. To solve this mystery, McDonald and DS Dodds (Jason Watkins) must carefully unravel the family’s intricate secrets.
However, just as they begin to make headway, a second, seemingly unrelated murder occurs on the other side of Bath. This time, it’s a poisoning case as local bride Florence Saunders collapses at her own wedding during the festivities. With the city on edge, the team faces a daunting task of connecting the dots to prevent further tragedies and calm citywide panic. Is there a serial killer targeting weddings in Bath?
The team also receives a series of cryptic calls to the local radio station, threatening more killings. McDonald and Dodds find themselves in a dangerous game of cat and mouse, testing their skills, resilience, and their unique relationship to the limit.
With time ticking and resources stretched thin, can McDonald and Dodds crack the case and bring peace back to the city of Bath?
Victoria Hamilton guest stars as photojournalist Dora Lang who, rather conveniently, always seems to be on the scene when the deaths occur. She is a suspect but, unusually for this series, has a really strong, possibly romantic, connection with Dodds.
McDonald & Dodds: Wedding Fever airs Sunday, 4 August 2024, at 8:00 PM on ITV1.