Filming for the new French Max Original series “Merteuil” has begun in Normandy, France. The series, directed by Jessica Palud, stars Anamaria Vartolomei, Diane Kruger, Vincent Lacoste, and Lucas Bravo. Production began on September 4 and will continue across various locations in France until December.
The series utilizes a mix of grand and intimate locations, ranging from the coastal cliffs of Normandy to the historic châteaux of Ile-de-France. These settings have been meticulously selected to enrich the show’s elegant aesthetic and distinctive ambiance.
The story follows Marquise de Merteuil, who, after being betrayed by Valmont, embarks on a daring journey to become Paris’ leading courtesan. Freely adapted from the novel “Les Liaisons Dangereuses” by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos, “Merteuil” explores the price of emotional and sexual freedom in a world where women had limited agency.
Directed by Jessica Palud and created and written by Jean-Baptiste Delafon, the series is produced by NABI Productions (UGC group) and Felicita Films (Newen Studios Group).
“Merteuil” will stream globally on Max.