An upcoming Lifetime Movie Network original film, Million Dollar Lethal Listing, is set to premiere on Thursday 4th April 2024. The thrilling tale follows a couple’s quest for the perfect home, which takes a chilling turn when they encounter a mysterious stranger.
Becca (Morgan Bradley) and her husband Tom find their dream house, only to be awakened by a stranger who claims to be the true owner of the property. As the reality of their situation sinks in, what was meant to be a fairytale begins to unravel, and the couple’s nightmare is only just beginning.
The film stars Morgan Bradley as Becca, alongside Jon Briddell as her husband Tom. Also featured are Ciarra Carter and Jackée Harry. Harry recently appeared in the film A Christmas Intern.
Viewers can tune in to Lifetime Movie Network on Thursday, 4th April 2024, at 8 pm to catch the premiere of Million Dollar Lethal Listing.